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Environmental Policy & Standards

Along with their obvious commercial benefits in terms of converting waste streams into valuable energy, Stein Pyrolysis Units also help to address a variety of World Bank and EU Directives and targets related to waste disposal, sustainable, renewable energy generation and the reduction of climate changing emissions.

Waste Issues

EU Waste Policy

The European Union’s Waste Framework Directive seeks to promote a more sustainable waste reduction strategy by compelling all Member States’ waste policies to adhere to the waste hierarchy. The diagrammatical hierarchy illustrated below highlights the preferred options for dealing with waste by representing them on a pyramid where the more preferred options are positioned closer to the top.


The waste hierarchy identifies the “3 Rs” reduce, reuse and recycle as the most preferred waste management strategies. We now offer the “4th R” REFORM. Reforming a liability into a usable product i.e. Pyrolosis Gas, Oils, Bio char and increased recyclable materials. There is a huge amount and variety of waste produced every day globally in society that is not recyclable and it needs to be dealt with.

When recycling is not an option, the Waste Framework Directive, defines waste-to-energy processes with specified energy efficiency as the next preferred recovery option.

The Stein Pyrolysis Units provide a highly efficient and environmentally friendly method for advanced thermal treatment with energy recovery which can help meet Member State’s landfill diversion targets. Because of its wide ranging fuel adaptability, the Stein Pyrolysis Units accept a wide variety of feedstock from biomass to hazardous waste as input fuel for its energy conversion process.

Energy Issues

Stein Pyrolysis Units are the perfect solution for an environmentally clean waste-to-energy process to help achieve the ambitious targets set for renewable energy generation.

The Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC defines renewable resources as including the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste. The Directive sets a target of 20% overall share of energy from renewable sources and requires that all EU Member States reach a renewable energy target of 16% of all of its gross energy consumption by 2020.

Climate Change Issues

The Kyoto Protocol outlines national commitments, on a global basis, to reductions in emissions to the atmosphere. The policy document notes that landfill is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions emanating from the waste sector and is strongly supportive of efficient Waste-to-Energy technology as a mechanism for minimizing climate change impacts. Waste-to-Energy plants divert biodegradable waste away from landfill storage and reform it to produce clean, renewable energy in the forms of gas, carbon char and recoverable materials. These plants also reduce methane emissions from landfill, bio-decay methane and displace the emissions from forestry and agriculture and display that would otherwise arise from the generation of electricity from fossil fuels.

Through the application of its clean, pure pyrolysis technology, Stein Pyrolysis Units deliver one of the most effective and efficient processes through which emission reductions can be achieved.
